Home Educational Program Bachelor of Philosophy Program In Social Sciences

Bachelor of Philosophy Program In Social Sciences

by bodhisastra

Bachelor of Philosophy Program In Social Sciences

Bodhisastra University, Florida, USA


Name of Institute:            Bodhisastra University, Florida, USA Campus/Faculty/Department     –


  1. Course Name:  Bachelor of Philosophy Program in Social Sciences


  1. Name of Degree and Branch

Full name:                       Bachelor of Philosophy in Social Sciences

Abbreviation:                  B.Phil. (Social Sciences)


  1. Fields of Study
    • Social Change
    • Social Enterprise
    • Social Development
    • Social Education
    • Public Administration
    • Social Communication
    • Business Administration
    • Social Economics
    • Lifelong Education
    • Community Care
    • Public Health
    • Folk and Holistic Medicine
    • Law and Social Justice
    • English Communication
    • Peace Studies


The student will choose the research and the transcript of the subject based on the field of their study.


  1. Credits throughout the course: 120 credits


  1. Philosophy, significance and objectives of the curriculum
    • Philosophy

Undergraduate Philosophy Program in Social Sciences aims to enhance the capacity of individuals with the ability to operate as a volunteer for the community and society, have a sense of responsibility for their own local communities and the sense of being a world citizen, understand local communities, able to understand the community in an integrated manner, taking into account both physical factor and self-reliant way of life, social coexistence, shared responsibility for themselves and society, learning entrepreneurial skills by taking action, and learning to exchange with the network of leaders in various communities


Undergraduate Philosophy Program in Social Sciences is a course that provides opportunities for learners to obtain a degree in social sciences in any branch, such as Public Administration, Business Administration, Social Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship, Education, etc. which follow the chosen project or field of specialization, or with the field of student achievement, except the field of religions which are different in courses based on the particular religion.


  • Significance
    • Development of individuals to be able to analyze the community as a whole in order to create a comprehensive knowledge of community issues and

new initiatives in being a social entrepreneur.

  • Giving priority to the main target group of the community to be able to have a life of self-reliance and create income for themselves and their families.
  • Education that focuses on learning from real situations and actual operations in  the  community  to  strengthen  the  skills  and  spirit  of  social


  • Focus on education for problem solving and community development, for community leaders and volunteers.
  • Objectives of the course
    • Have knowledge and good attitude towards living according to the ethical principles of society for leaders and volunteers to serve society and local communities.
    • Equip with knowledge and ability to analyze local communities, society and  globalization  system,  have  understanding  of  natural  resource

changes,  the  environment  and  global  crisis,  as  well  as  strengthening  the

community to protect the natural resources and environment of communities and local communities.


  • Have the ability to collect and manage the resources of the community and society, initiate activities for the benefit of the community and society to create both value and added value to the local community.
  • Promote  participatory   and   collaborative   learning   and   have communication skills in modern language and technology.


  1. Educational Management System
    • Learning system
      • Bachelor’s degree program, 4 years or 8 regular semesters
      • Using a dual education system, with 1 academic year divided into 2 academic semesters

6.2 Comparative credits in the dual system

1 credit is equal to 1 hour of lectures per week or 15 hours per 1 semester


  1. Course Implementation
    • Days-time for teaching and learning

The duration of each course is as follows: Semester 1, February – June Semester 2, July – November

  • Opportunities for students

Both regular and special education

  • General qualifications of the study participants or applicants
    • With graduation not lower than upper secondary school level, ordinary or vocational line, or equivalent based on the curriculum of the Ministry of Education or
    • With no complete high school education but being a social entrepreneur whose work is evident, not less than 25 years of age, starting from

the first semester, must have a certificate of knowledge equivalent to the upper

secondary school of Bodhisastra University.

  • Educational management model
  • Classroom education
  • Distance learning in the E-Learning system
  • Research Program
  • Online Video Conference
  • Self and Independent Study
  • Project – Based Learning


  • Credit Transfer

The transfer of the results of the study of students from other institutions, the transfer of the results of the study of students in the educational system or outside the educational system, job comparison or comparison of experiences of


non-formal education or informal students, or being a person with obvious social entrepreneurship comparable in each course, by studying at least for 21 credits and having to attend university on a distance system of not less than 1 semester.


  1. Curricula
    • Total Credits Throughout the Curriculum 120 credits
    • Course Structure
  • General Education Courses  30 credits
  • Basic Courses  21 credits
  • Major Courses  33 credits
  • Minor Group  12 credits
  • Practice  24 credits

total 120 credits


  • Courses
  • General Education Courses  30 credits
    1. Life and learning (BOU11101)  3 credits
    2. Occupation and quality of life (BOU11102)  3 credits
    3. Community and social development (BOU11103)  3 credits
    4. Ethics in life (BOU11104)  3 credits
    5. Volunteer spirit and citizenship (BOU11105)  3 credits
    6. Local language usage (BOU11106)  3 credits
    7. English usage 1 (BOU11107)  3 credits
    8. English usage 2 (BOU11108)  3 credits
    9. English usage 3 (BOU11109)  3 credits
    10. Computer use (BOU11110)                                                 3 credits


  • Basic Courses  21 credits
    1. History and community changes (BOU11201)  3 credits
    2. Leadership (BOU1102)  3 credits
    3. Data and community information (BOU11203)  3 credits
    4. Community culture and tradition (BOU11204)  3 credits
    5. Social capital (BOU11205)  3 credits
    6. Social welfare (BOU11206)  3 credits
    7. Community map (BOU11207)  3 credits


  • Major courses  33 credits
    1. Current world situations (BOU11301)  3 credits
    2. Social entrepreneurship (BOU11302)  3 credits
    3. Social product development (BOU11303)  3 credits
    4. Cooperative (BOU11303)  3 credits
    5. Community Enterprise (BOU11305)  3 credits
    6. Social Marketing (BOU11306)  3 credits
    7. Innovation (BOU11307)  3 credits
    8. Social Responsibility (BOU11308)  3 credits
    9. Strategic Management (BOU11309)  3 credits
    10. Social entrepreneur accounting (BOU11310)  3 credits
    11. Meditation ((BOU11311)                                                     3 credits


  • Minor Group 12 credits
    1. Participation in development work (BOU11401)  3 credits
    2. Knowledge management (BOU11402)  3 credits
    3. Management of problems and conflicts (BOU11403)  3 credits
    4. Media production for presentation (BOU11404)  3 credits


  • Practice Group 24 credits
    1. Practice 1 (BOU11501) (Writing and project presentation)  3 credits
    2. Practice 2 (BOU11502) (Situation and Environmental Analysis)                                     3 credits
    3. Practice 3 (BOU11503) (Action Plan 1)  6 credits
    4. Practice 4 (BOU11504) (Action Plan 2)  6 credits
    5. Practice 5 (BOU11505) (Transfer of work lessons)  3 credits
    6. Practice 6 (BOU11506) (Writing reports and presentations) 3 credits


Notes: Practical courses change according to the branch that the student registers for study (Except religious courses)


Course Code Assignment and Meanings:

Number 1 means Degree 1 = Bachelor degree, 2 = Master’s degree, 3 = Doctorate degree

Number 2 means First Course

Number 3 means Subject Group

Number 4-5 refers to the Sequence of Courses in the Group.


  1. Rules or Criteria for Grades
    • The scoring system is divided into 8 levels.
Score Levels
A 4.0
B+ 3.5
B 3.0
C+ 2.5
C 2.0




D+                         1.5

D                           1.0

F                            0

Transferred Credits, use CP – Credit from Portfolio


  • For non- scoring system, use the following symbols: Symbols  Meaning

S                            Satisfied

  • Unsatisfied
  • Incomplete

P                            In Progress

W                           Withdrawn


  • Verification process for student achievement standards
    • Instructors give examples of student assessments for all course verifications.
    • Establish a review committee to randomly check the student’s grades or reports.
    • Compare the individual examination scores of each subject to meet the criteria for each instructor to have a scoring standard, especially those

with more than one instructor.

  • Prepare the standardized test for the same course in the case of multiple examiners.
  • Survey opinions of the graduate users about each test question to

standardize the test.


  • Graduation Requirements
    • Study and registration as required by the curriculum within 5  years.
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of not less than 2.
  • Must have passed the practicum or practice of professional experience as specified in the course.


  • Sample of Education Plan
    • Regular registration from the 1st year to the last year

1st year, 1st semester

  1. Life and learning (BOU11101)  3 credits
  2. Career and quality of life (BOU11102)  3 credits
  3. Community and social development (BOU11103)  3 credits
  4. Ethics in life  (BOU11104)                                                  3 credits
  5. Volunteer mind and citizen consciousness (BOU11105)  3 credits
  6. English usage 1 (BOU11107)  3 credits
  7. Practice 1 (writing and project presentation) (BOU11501)  3 credits


1st year, 2nd semester

  1. Local language usage (BOU11106)                                         3 credits
  2. English usage 2 (BOU11108)  3 credits
  3. Computer use  (BOU11110)                                                  3 credits
  4. Participation in development work (BOU11401)  3 credits
  5. Community changes (BOU11201)  3 credits
  6. Practice 2 (situation and environmental analysis) (BOU11501) 3 credits


2nd year, 1st semester

  1. Community culture and traditions (BOU11204)  3 credits
  2. Social capital (BOU11205)  3 credits
  3. Social welfare (BOU11206)  3 credits
  4. Community map (BOU11207)  3 credits
  5. English usage 3 (BOU11109)  3 credits
  6. Practice 3 (Plan 1) (BOU11503)  6 credits


2nd year, 2nd semester

  1. Community data and information  (BOU11203)                    3 credits
  2. Current world situations (BOU11301)  3 credits
  3. Knowledge for entrepreneurs(BOU11402)  3 credits
  4. Social product development (BOU11303)                              3 credits
  5. Cooperatives (BOU11303)  3 credits
  6. Community enterprise (BOU11302)  3 credits
  7. Practice 4 (Plan 2) (BOU11504)  6 credits


3rd year, 1st semester

  1. Social marketing (BOU11306)  3 credits
  2. Social innovation (BOU11304)  3 credits
  3. Social responsibility (BOU11308)  3 credits
  4. Strategic management (BOU11309)  3 credits
  5. Accounting for social entrepreneur (BOU11310)  3 credits
  6. Practice 5 (transfer of work lessons) (BOU11505)  3 credits


3rd year, 2nd semester

  1. Leadership (BOU11202)  3 credits
  2. Knowledge management (BOU11402)  3 credits
  3. Management of problems and conflicts(BOU11403)  3 credits
  4. Media production for presentation  (BOU11404)                    3 credits
  5. Practice 6 (writing reports and presentations) (BOU11506)  3 credits


4th year, 1st semester

Enroll in courses that have not been passed in each semester


  • Regular Registration in Transferred Students Group

Transferred students mean students who have work experience and success in life in the field that students choose to study, with clear empirical results. This group of students can be transferred by allowing at least 1 semester in the course to be transferred. Transferred students must write out their experience or body of knowledge, not less than 1 page.


  1. Course Descriptions
    • General Education Courses 30 credits
      • Life and learning (BOU11101)  3 credits History  of  life  from  childhood  up  to  the  present,

fighting,   commitment,    overcoming   ambition,    aspiration, personal motto / core concept, career effort, raising a family,

community  and  social  care,  success  of  social  work.  Give examples or focus on the most outstanding work. One work /

activity should end the last line with important ideas, or the name  that  has  been  popularly  called,  or  commitment  to

overcome in the future and presentation. Learning, training, seminars and education tours to see important work, both in

the system  and  outside the system,  the essence of  learning important   ideas   and   applying   knowledge   to   work   or

transferring as important ideas in life and presentation


  • Quality of life development (BOU11102)  3 credits Caring for both the physical health and mental health of

oneself, family and society, practices of doctrines of religion

related to the development of quality of life The practice of religious principles for the development of quality of life and presentation.


  • Community and social development (BOU11103)  3 credits Understanding  the  situation  of  the  community  and

society,  creating  a  good  consciousness  and  volunteering  in

various activities of communities and society, principles of citizens, roles of citizens in social development, and presentation.


  • Ethics in life (BOU11104)  3 credits Meaning   of   ethics,   business   ethics,   samples   of

businesses that have good governance, and presentation


  • Volunteering and citizenship (BOU11105)  3 credits Understanding  the  situation  of  the  community  and

society, creating a good consciousness and volunteering in various  activities  of  communities  and  society,  principles  of

citizens, roles of citizens in social development, practice and presentation.


  • Local language usage (BOU11106)  3 credits Principles and practice of listening, reading, thinking,

writing  and  speaking  skills  in  dialects.  In  listening  and

reading, it is important to understand and express opinions. For reading, it focuses on reading aloud with writing, focusing on language. Writing focusses on paragraphs, rhetoric, expressions, figurative language as well as collecting and recording information. Speaking will focus on conversations, interviews, story-telling, knowledge transfer and critical thinking.


  • English usage (BOU11107)  3 credits Listening,  speaking,  reading  and  writing  skills  in  a

combination of 4 skills, based on studying the grammatical structure of the language as the foundation,  and focus heavily

on reading in order to help facilitating the language of communication in daily life correctly


  • English usage (BOU11108)  3 credits Listening,  speaking,  reading  and  writing  skills  in  a

combination of 4 skills, based on studying the grammatical

structure of the language as the foundation, and focus heavily

on   reading   In   order   to   help   facilitate   the   language   of communication in daily life correctly.


  • English usage (BOU11109)  3 credits Listening,  speaking,  reading  and  writing  skills  in  a

combination of 4 skills, based on studying the grammatical

structure of the language as the foundation, and focus heavily on reading in order to help facilitate the language of communication in daily life correctly.


  • Computer use (BOU11110)  3 credits Working  principles  of  computer  operating  systems,

using    software    packages    to    prepare    documents    and presentations to individuals and agencies involved in online

information search professions, and database preparation at the individual level and related agencies in the profession.


  • Basic Courses 21 credits
    • Community education (BOU11201)  3 credits Community education  concepts,  community education

methods,   elements   of   community  education,   history  and community  education,  community  changes  and  problems,

practice and presentation.


  • Leadership (BOU11202)  3 credits Leadership  concept,  change  leadership,  case  study  of

change leaders, practice and presentation.


  • Community data and information (BOU11203)  3 credits Important    information    of    the    community,    data

collection, database creation, practice and presentation.


  • Community culture and tradition (BOU11204)  3 credits Scope and significance of culture, community and social

capital, community culture structure, local social and cultural changes, social capital characteristics, use of social capital for

local development, and presentation.


  • Social capital (BOU11205)  3 credits Scope and significance of culture, community and social

capital, community culture structure, local social and cultural

changes, social capital characteristics,  use of social capital for local development, and presentation.


  • Social welfare (BOU11206)  3 credits Study the meaning of social welfare, concepts, practices

and forms of operations, and the provision of welfare systems

based on community funds, including intellectual capital management to ensure security in the lives of communities related to the savings system, production and consumption, and presentation.


  • Community map (BOU11207)  3 credits Working principles of community maps, concepts and

methods    of    community    mapping,    map    analysis    for

development,   community   map   presentation,   practice   and presentation.


  • Major courses 30 credits
    • Current world situations (BOU11301)  3 credits Current  world  situations,  especially  the  situations  in

ASEAN countries.


  • Social entrepreneurship (BOU11302)  3 credits Concepts  and  meanings  of  social  entrepreneurship,

business model of social entrepreneurship, samples of social entrepreneurship, practice and presentation.


  • Social product development (BOU11303)  3 credits Concepts and meanings of social products,  processes,

examples, practice and presentation


  • Cooperative (BOU11304)  3 credits History   of   the   cooperative   activities,   cooperative

business   operators,   success   from   operations,   problems,

obstacles, conclusions and analysis from presentation studies


  • Community enterprise (BOU11305)  3 credits Case  studies  of  individuals,  groups  or  organizations,

history, inspiration, activities of being a community enterprise entrepreneur,  success  from  operations,  problems,  obstacles,

conclusions and analysis from presentation studies.


  • Social marketing (BOU11306)  3 credits Study   marketing   concepts,   social   marketing,   case

studies on social marketing, practice in social marketing, and



  • Social innovation (BOU11307)  3 credits Study the concept of innovation and creativity, social

innovation, case studies on social innovation and practice and presentation.


  • Social responsibility (BOU11308)  3 credits Study  the  concept  of  social  responsibility,  corporate

social responsibility – CSR, social responsibility, differences

in social enterprise, case studies, practice presentation.


  • Strategic management (BOU11309)  3 credits Definitions of strategic management and compare with

different types of administration, strategic thinking and other types of  thinking, case studies and practice presentation.


  • Social entrepreneur accounting (BOU11310)  3 credits Accounting  system  of  social  entrepreneurs,  methods,

practices, case studies and practice.


  • Meditation (BOU1131)  3 credits Practice meditation and mindfulness.


  • Minor group 12 credits
    • Participation in development work (BOU11401) 3 credits The  concept    of    participation,    participation    in

development,  concepts  of  development,     case  studies  and

practice presentation.


  • Knowledge management (BOU11402)  3 credits Knowledge      management      concepts,      knowledge

management in work, case studies and practice in knowledge management, and presentation.


  • Management of problems and conflicts (BOU11403)  3 credits New  theories  for  looking  at  problems  and  conflicts,

creative  conflicts  resolutions,  case  studies  of  conflict  and practice in solving conflicts, and presentation.


  • Media production for presentation (BOU11404)  3 credits Meaning of media and the meaning of the presentation,

concepts of adult communication, modern media production,

case study presentation, presentation skill training.


  • Practice 27 credits
    • Practice 1 (BOU11501)  3 credits

Topic assignment, writing the importance of the story, and project presentation


  • Practice 2 (BOU11502)  3 credits

Situation and environmental analysis affecting the presentation project, context analysis of the project and presentation of the action plan.


  • Practice 3 (BOU11503)  6 credits

Implementation of Plan 1, preliminary preparation, implementation of the project of the first phase of the student,

study of case studies related to student work and presentations.


  • Practice 4 (BOU11504)  6 credits

Implementation of Plan 2, second phase practice, continued from Phase 1, tracking the performance, analysis of important problems and obstacles.


  • Practice 5 (BOU11505)  3 credits

Transfer of work lessons, results analysis of both short- term and long-term effects.


  • Practice 6 (BOU11506)  3 credits

Document reporting, presentation, both by media and documents.

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